PA system

I am looking for a second hand PA system to use when we have our charity fetes. If anybody has one for sale please ring me on 966848793. Thank you Eve

La Marina

I suggest you contact Jimmy Dene the local disc jockey. He will know where to find the PA system you need if indeed he does not have one himself.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-10 06:18:44 UTC

Thank you for this information. I have never heard of him but I'm sure I can find out how to contact him. Cheers.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-10 11:07:42 UTC

We have not heard of him either Eve x

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-10 15:10:20 UTC

Jimmy Dene is a living legend. If you have difficulty in finding him then contact our administrator Ian who will undoubtedly know how to contact Jimmy or enquire at the bar in St George, down the steps from Consum square.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-10 17:16:21 UTC

Thanks Angelique I will definately call in the George and ask for a contact number for Jimmy Dene. Ian has never heard of him!!!!!!!

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-10 18:27:34 UTC

I am very, very suprised that the administration office has not heard of Jimmy Dene, he was nominated for a Coast Rider Lifetime Achievement Award in 2010 and in fact was runner up.
Prior to the last council taking decisions on music/kareoke etc in pubs and restaurants Jimmy Dene was DJ'ing 5-7 times a week here on the Urb.
Here is the number to Jimmy, I got it from an aquaintance. 686 799 931
Good Luck!

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-11 05:46:05 UTC

We at, as you say administration office, have never boasted that we know everything Angelique - in fact far from it (unlike yourself I am sure). This forum is suppose to be one that is friendly and that helps and advises other people and not to keep bickering, picking holes in everyone and moaning most of the time like you do.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-11 10:04:11 UTC

Oh my dear Carol,
Wind in your claws you are worth better than that, at least you assure me that you are?
I make no apology for having been here for more than 20 years and therefore know quite a bit about La Marina and the surrounding area.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-11 10:07:16 UTC

There you go again Angelique - I really do not think you can help yourself - sad really ! Please note I am not your dear Carol and never will be.

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-11 11:46:37 UTC

At times I wonder which planet I am on,because it sure aint the same one as you.
Why the hell are you having a pop at ad min. because they have never heard of a Kareoke entertainer that I also have never heard of,but I am not a kareoke follower,there again perhaps ad min arn't either.
I don't have your 76years of Knowledge,speak about 10 fluent languages,possibly French Possibly using a made up name
I have on this forum before thought of you as a Troll,some of your comments are sensible and believable,others are just done out of spite.I really believe you are not what you want everybody to you are,not that you particulary bother me,I just disregard your crap and read and take in the sensible parts
If i am wrong I am sure you carry enough venom to use on me

Commented Alan in La Marina 2011-07-11 12:41:22 UTC

Please, Please, If this is indeed a friendly sort of forum for all to comment on, can we keep it from becoming a scrap yard, or as Alan would put it a Crap yard. Is there any need to use this kind of language?

Grow up you people and get a life for all our sakes.

Commented Malika in La Marina 2011-07-11 13:08:03 UTC

Thank you Alan - well said. We are doing our very best up here on this relatively new forum to answer people's questions as soon as we can (if we know the answers).
Malcolm - I'm sure Alan was just emphasising a point as he does not usually swear. Happy postings Everyone ho ho x

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-11 15:42:22 UTC

Thank you very much Angelique.

Commented Caroline in La Marina 2011-07-11 16:19:17 UTC

I am totally in agreement with you, I to have wondered which planet you are on.
I am not having any pops at anyone, I am perfectly aware of the fact that the people running our admin are relativly newcomers to La Marina.
I merely tried to help Eve with a request that she had, Ian our admin, seemingly could not help at which time I made enquiries and found the telephone number that was needed, passed it on to Eve and suddenly Carol got her bowels in an uproar because I, even though it could have been anyone else, was able to assist.
I thought being able to assist others was one of the functions of this forum but clearly it only leads to trouble and bitchiness.
Sorry folks if you need help, please dont ask me, I can do without this aggro.
I really have little more to say on this subject and regard your comments as totally missinformed.
As far as I am concerned I do not take your insinuations or interpretations seriously, however, I look forward to further dialogue with you.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-11 18:05:22 UTC

You are welcome and I hope that Jimmy is able to help you.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-11 18:07:35 UTC

Well Carol in answer to your comment, I really do think its time to somehow change the wall so that sensible comments etc can be posted and the bickerers and wingers be given a special page where they can winge together at each other all day if they want to. This would allow us others to be able to go to the comment or article we are interested in. It really is a bind to have to scroll down so far to get to ones interest with all the pathetic nonsense thats going on. What do you think?

Commented Malika in La Marina 2011-07-11 19:11:28 UTC

Angelique we are NOT relatively newcomers to La Marina - we have been living and working here for about 8 years now. You do come out with some absolutely stupid phrases ie my bowels - what the hell as my bowels got to do with anything (you Weird woman) !!
Malcolm - Yes I quite agree with you. It is getting very boring having to scroll down such a long way to find the new posting ! I have already asked the IT Dept about this. Thank you Malcolm for your sensible suggestion

Commented Carol in La Marina 2011-07-11 20:19:03 UTC

from what i can see all of you moan and winge and yes that includes me before you moan about my comment so at the end of the day if you dont like someones comment/opinion dont answer it, it might be a pain to scroll down all the time but hey ho its just the way it is,now that ive had my moan lol, iam going to go watch tv bye all.

Commented lisa in La Marina 2011-07-11 21:23:36 UTC

I agree totally with what you are saying, i.e. I was invited via a leaflet posted in my mailbox to and I quote "put up just what you feel like".
This invitation came from Ian and Carol who I assume are the Carol and Ian who post in here?
So I am "putting up just what I feel like" and who are the first two people to complain, yes you guessed right mostly Carol and Ian to a much lesser extent!
I agree with you that people own the right to dissagree with me, indeed some of my comments encourage that and finally if people do not want to read my comments or answer them then that is 100% OK with me.

Commented Angelique in La Marina 2011-07-12 06:19:07 UTC