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Dog poo Marina

I have re-named La marina to Dog poo Marina due to the amount of dog poo on the streets. Not a good look for people looking to move over from the UK to the URB.

La Marina

can't the council impose a fine for not cleaning up after your dog like we have in England? they seem to have fines for everything else!
As a dog owner for the last five years I have never been without a 'poo bag'when I take my dog out for a walk. Every pocket and handbag is full of them. If any one is caught short without a bag when walking their dog and they see me walking mine (a large jack russell) please ask me for one. Dog poo is not pleasant for anyone, to see on the pavement and if you tread in it, not a pleasant job to clean when you get home. Not picking up your dogs mess is a pet hate of mine!!

Commented karenturner1210 in La Marina 2012-08-18 15:16:18 UTC

I had a run in with a neighbour who brings his dogs to the area just in front of our villa every morning to do their poo, which of course he does not clean up, I told him I was going to call the police as it is unlawful not to clean up after your dogs, but he told me in broken spanish he did not understand me...I'm told he is french and is well known up this end of the urb (calle Bilbao).....obviously he does not care what the urb looks like and its not outside his home!!!!!!

Commented Wendy in La Marina 2012-08-18 15:39:01 UTC

Yes it is illegal not to clean up dog mess,The Local Councillor mentioned this a few months ago,and he advised people who had seen if occur should contact the Local Police,so that they can take any action required.
But we do live in a place where people seem to not want to get involved.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-08-18 16:34:01 UTC

maybe we could up the profile of the problem somehow? we have friends who brought a house here last week and they have already commented on the amount of dog poo they have seen on the pavements

Commented karenturner1210 in La Marina 2012-08-18 17:07:17 UTC

Wendy maybe you should try the actions speak louder than words approach. You scoop it up and give it too him maybe then the dirty beggar will get the message

Good Luck with it

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2012-08-18 22:46:09 UTC

Can I just say we are not all irresponsible dog owners, we always pick up after our dog has been.
The Campo behind the Bilbao and the Verdi's are disgusting, why people think it is ok to walk away and leave it is beyond me. Maybe the council should put bins on these area's and then people might pick it up. MIGHT!!

Commented Maureen Wilkinson in La Marina 2012-08-19 10:20:18 UTC

We have a small park near us,with bins all the way around it,Responsible owners pick up the mess and put this in the bins,but the irresponsible owners ,Just dont care what assistance is given,they have no intention of cleaning up,unless of course it is on there doorsteps.
Perhaps¨'we love it here' has the best idea,and put it on the doorsteps of the owner that allow their dogs mess anywhere and walk away

Commented Alan in La Marina 2012-08-19 10:31:52 UTC

I completley agree with Alan, I think one of the problems is we brits are often just too polite.

That said imagine how you would feel if someone gave you your dog poo back, I would hope you would be mortified and think OMG how embarrasing and that you were made to feel so bad just by that one simple action ( no arguing)that you would be shamed into cleaning up after your pooch.

If thats what it takes then I think you guys should do it. There is no reason you should have to put up with this other than sheer disrespect and ignorance on the part of the perpetrators.

I am a firm believer in "if you keep doing what your doing youll keep getting what your getting"

So, this week in La Marina I suggest you give it back to them and see how they like it, dirty beggars!

Oh and dont be secretive and dump it on their doorstep, let them know you youre onto them by giving it back directly to the dog owner !

Im sure its not very nice picking up poo from someones else dog but hey if youve only got to do it once then im sure it will be worth it.

Good luck and I hope one of you guys reports back to the forum regarding your success

Have a lovely Sunday !

Commented we love it here in Quesada 2012-08-19 11:16:18 UTC